What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Two

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Two

 Welcome to Part Two of this my presentation titled What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript

 It’s Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher.

If you did not read Part One I strongly recommend that you do so before` reading this Part Two.

As promised in Part One, here in Part Two I will be delving much deeper into meanings and definitions of the words Marriage and Institution as I continue to answer the question “What is Marriage?” and share some of my perspectives on the Institution of Marriage.

Now for most people who know me “I The Mystic Philosopher” or may have watched some or all of my You-tube videos or those of you who may have attended any of my lectures and seminars, or those of you that may have met me in person and talked to me on a one and one basis, you will agree that I have always admitted to the fact that I am not English, that English is not my ancestry, nor am I in any way an English ‘wanna be’. I have always admitted and I am proud to continue admitting that the English language is not my language; that English is not my Natural Native Earthly Human Tongue; that the English language is my Honorable Ancestors slave masters and their heir and successors language; that my Honorable Ancestors and their descendants were never taught the slave master’s English language; but instead they were taught only a bastardized version of the English language. I have also admitted and will continue to admit that I do not know or understand the English language that well and that the closet that I think that I can or will ever get to or come to knowing or having an understanding and thorough insight into the English language and it’s owners the English people is through my frequent use and reference to their dictionaries.

Therefore, if or when I am discussing a subject or if or when I need to know the meanings and definitions of an English word the place I go to first, is to the English dictionaries.  It so happen that through the use of modern technology and the Internet I don’t even have to walk around with my dictionary as before or even try to tax my mind/brain with unnecessary clutters or clusters of words and by trying to memorize words and becoming a walking dictionary or a walking encyclopedia; but I just have to pull out my cell phone and Google the word and the meanings and definitions are right there. Now I think that even though it is arguably a person’s human right to be dumb and stupid and even to remain ignorant in today’s world; it is not a compulsory that one should or one has to exercise that right.

The first question that I asked the Reverend Doctor and Pastor was: “Could you please define the English words Marriage and Institution for me?”  Why? It was because I just wanted to know and be sure that we were thinking and talking about the same thing in the English language.

And as I have said before he did not answer any of my questions, I honestly think that he ignored my question because he heard my name The Mystic Philosopher and possibly he may have taught that I was being mischievous.

If he had taught that I am or that I might be a thought provocative person, or that my questions were thought provocative then yes I am and yes they are; and those facts I will not hesitate to admit to; but mischievous definitely I am not. So I had to resort to my old fashion way of learning and finding out things for my self.

So what is Marriage or what is the meaning of the English word Marriage?  I have already answered the question earlier by stating very clearly and emphatically that Marriage is a Business. Or from my perspective if you will, Marriage is a Business. It is a very serious Activity aka a very serious Business. Therefore, the rest of this presentation/transcript is just to affirm to you the fact that Marriage is indeed a Business; and also it is to prove to you why I think and why I know that it is a Business. And what better way to start but by starting with the meaning and definition of the English word Marriage from the English dictionary.

I will start by giving you what I also called the conjugal definition of the word Marriage from The Living Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language. Quote: Marriage: The social institution by which a man and woman are legally united and establish a new family unit;” 

The word Marriage on dictionary.com (at the time of preparing this material) has about five definitions.


“1.  a legally, religiously, or socially sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another, forming a familial and economic bond: Anthropologists say that some type of marriage has been found in every society, past and present.

  1. a. the social institution under which a man and woman establish their decision to live as husband and wife by legal commitments, religious ceremonies, etc. 2.b. similar institution involving partners of the same gender, as in gay marriage; same-sex marriage.
  1. the state, condition, or relationship of being married; wedlock: They have a happy marriage. Synonyms: matrimony. Antonyms: single life, bachelorhood, spinsterhood, singleness.
  1. the legal or religious ceremony that formalizes the decision of two people to live as a married couple, including the accompanying social festivities: to officiate at a marriage. Synonyms: nuptials, marriage ceremony, wedding. Antonyms: divorce, annulment.
  1. a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other in the manner of a husband and wife, without legal sanction: trial marriage.” unquote

Let now break it down and interpret each of these individual definitions:

#1. Marriage is a legally, sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another. For your information the word “sanctioned” means “a formal approval or a formal consent by those in authority” and the word union means “the act of joining two or more things into one whole; the state of being joined;”  And the question you should not be asking yourself is this: Who has the power and the authority on Earth to give this sanction, this formal approval or this formal consent in order that two are more consenting people may be joined together and may call themselves legally married? And the answer of course is: It’s the government. And to the contrary of what the Rev Doctor and Pastor have said and I quote “Marriage is not the Government’s Business”, Marriage is the Government’s Business and to be more specific Legal Marriage is the Government’s Business. Legal Marriage is Not God’s Business unless one considers the Government to be his/her God representative.

Please note that it is not the Pastors or Clergy men/women who perform Marriage Ceremonies that make couples Legally Married. Pastors are just acting as Civil Servants or as Agents for the Government as a witness to the signing of a Business Contract between two people.  Something thing else that I must point out here is that the word Union means the act of joining two or more things into one whole or one unit example a family. Therefore the Government can and I predict that it will some day and some day that is not too far into the distant future, the Government will give permission that three or more people can and will be Legally Married in Canada. In other words we will be able to start a Family Business with more that two people.

The second part of this section one definition is quote “forming a familial and economic bond.”  The word familial means of, pertaining to, or characteristic of a family: familial ties”,  “Economic” means pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.”  And the word bond means “to bind together”

So what then is the purpose of Marriage as defined here in definition one?  Its all about economics, meaning Marriage, is “pertaining to the production, distribution, and use of income, wealth, and commodities.” It’s all about the money, money my dear and for your information here in definition 1. Love got/Love has nothing to do with it (it meaning Marriage).  Unless it is the Love of Money and the distribution of Wealth you are thinking and talking about.

The moderator quoted a Statics Canada report that talked about the decline of marriage couples and the increase of single parenting in Canada.

Here is a brief quote from the report that I also read online “Married couples are in a long-term decline, single parenting has risen persistently, and families have gradually shrunk. (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/census-shows-new-face-of-the-canadian-family-1.1137083 )

From my perspective the reason why married couples are in a long-term decline, and single parenting has risen persistently is not primarily because of a moral breakdown in society as some religious people and other proponent of that thought is contending; but it can be seen as multiple folds.

First: and as I said before people are becoming more aware of the fact that Marriage, any form of Marriage is a Business Corporation and a very serious one. And that they have to do their due diligence and weight all the pros and cons in their best efforts at avoiding disaster before they enter into a Business Partnership Relationship. Second: finding a serious and compatible Business Partner and especially if you are a woman is very difficult. Not to mention the fact that Legally the System/the Government only allow Marrying one Person at a time or Legally doing Business with one Person at a time.

I also think this is one of the main reasons why according to the Statics Canada report single parenting has risen persistently. Some might find it interesting to learn that single parenting is not generally looked upon by society as a real family. Sometimes they are not even called a family or referred to as a family; but as a single parenting household, as a one person household etc. but in the strictest sense it is not commonly referred to as a real family or a nuclear family in the eyes of many.  Some single parent families are even being discriminated against.

From my perspective a single parenting family or a single household is the same as a Sole Proprietorship Business and a nuclear family is a Cooperation.  And most people will agree and the facts will also show that there are more advantages to owning and being part of a Business that is a Cooperation than that of a Sole Proprietorship business.

Something else about single household and Single Parenting Families that the moderator didn’t mention and the report that I read did not cover is the economic, emotional, financial hardship and all other forms of stresses, fatigue and sufferings that some if not all of these single people are experiencing.  It is just like a Sole Proprietorship Business where all the administrative burdens and the survival of the Business are on one person’s head. However in a Cooperation as in a real Marriage the stresses, burdens, responsibilities as well as the gains are shared equally or proportionally.

And that is why I tell my people if they can find the right Business Partner who knows and truly understands that Marriage is a Business and a very serious Business Occupation, and if they understand all the risk and potential gains and are prepared to go for it, that is when I encourage them to go a head and sign the Agreement/Contract and make it Legal. For as my mom use to say that “one hand can’t clap.”  And  even thought “One shall chase a thousand but two can put ten thousand to flight.”

The wisest man Salomon tells us in the book of Ecclesiastes 4: 9 -12 and I quote Two are better off than one, because together they can work more effectively. 10 If one of them falls down, the other can help him up. But if someone is alone and falls, it’s just too bad, because there is no one to help him. 11 If it is cold, two can sleep together and stay warm, but how can you keep warm by yourself? 12 Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break.” Unquote Good News Version

Please note that from my perspective these practical advise by my later mom and the wise man Salomon have nothing to do with the illusive, dream state or fantasy love Marriage; the Prince Charming and happy ever after Caucasian fairy tale Marriage that a lot of people especially some Christians are dreaming, praying, searching and hoping for.  Marriage is a Business that no doubt will have its fair share of pains. And as the saying goes no pain no gain.  For if you expect no pain that mean you will just get married in vain.

I love this last verse “A rope that is made of three cords is hard to break”. Commonsense alone should tell us that if we have a Family, a Marriage, an Institution, a Business etc. same thing, with more than two people that are either bringing in income or contributing equally in their respective roles, commonsense should tell us that the Family Unit will be much more stronger in almost every respect.  Financially, organizationally, strategically, you name it.

The reason why most people and primarily poor people and especially those who called themselves Black People, Black Christians and Black Churches etc. the reason why they cannot think of this fact or even entertain the possibility of polygamy and polyandry is because of ignorance and Religion and because they don’t know and cannot even begin to understand that Marriage is a Business, a Company, a Corporation, an Organization, an Institution, an Establishment in which each Partner plays his or her roll in making the Company/Cooperation work, be strong and be successful.  In fact even the animals that some of us call dumb have figured that fact out long, long time ago.

What most people don’t know and a truth that they are unwilling to accept, especially some Christian Pastors, Religious Zealots, Traditionalists, Conservatives, Fundamentalists and Proponents of what is called Traditional Marriage, meaning Marriage that involves only one man to one woman or one woman to one man, a couple that is brought together and fused together by the thing they called love; what these people are failing to understand is that broke pocket love does not always last till Natural Death do they part. From my perspective the stress and uncertainty alone that are brought about by broke pocket love is for more likely to lead to untimely and premature death.

Most couples who get Married because of so-called love, religious love, head over heals love, high school sweet heart love, so-called love based on how famous, educated and well liked their spouse is, how young, handsome or beautiful their partner looked, how much great potential they have for the future and above all how passionate they make love to each other when having sex etc. those who get into the Serious Business of Marriage for any or all of these reasons alone are riding for a terrible fall.

The fact is that those are not primary elements that you should start to build your Business any Business I might add especially if or when you know and understand that Marriage is a very Serious Business. To do so is to only prove that you were born to be dumb and stupid.  For all of those assets or elements will depreciate in value over time and no Reverend Doctor or Pastor’s Prayers or no Spiritual or Religious, Counseling weather paid for or for free can or will be able to restore their value and make them marketable as brand new again. But more on these things later stay tuned.

This is the end of Part Two of this Lecture Presentation Transcript.  Please join me in Part Three for the continuation as I delve deeper into the meanings and definitions of the words Marriage and the word Institution.

I am The Mystic Philosopher aka Dr. David G. Jones Ph.D.