The Mystic P’s FOL Be-More Team Mission Statement.

Welcome aboard “Team Be-More” aka The Be-More Team.” where our Motto is Be-More and Not Less aka Be-Less.

Our mission and objectives are very simple and are as follows.

First: It is to Be-More and More and Much, Much, More. (Please see The Mystic P’s FOL Be-More Team’s Affirmation Page.)

Second: It is to be a Product of the Product. Meaning as members and distributors we must have to use the product namely “Fountain Of Life” for our individual self. We cannot claim to be members of a team of Global Opulence Partners and Fountain Of Life (FOL) Distributors that are proclaiming Honesty and Integrity to be our watch word and song if we do not and if we are not using the product for ourselves. In all practicality we would only be liars and deceivers. Who else would be marketing and distributing to people some-thing that they themselves don’t use or believe in?

Third: To ethically share our personal story, our testimony, our experience and the benefits that we have personally received from and by using Fountain Of Life with as much people that we know, that we meet daily/nightly and that we can reach using whatever means necessary and available; so that they too might potentially reap the benefits of Fountain Of Life. Remember that the facts will Tell and the story will Sell.

Forth: Remind the people that the true and practical definition of Wealth is Excellent Health; and why they should use Health to gain Wealth and use Wealth to maintain their Excellent Health.

Fifth: If this “The Be-More Team’sMission Statement and Objectives as set forth herein are not in conflict with your own personal Beliefs or your basic life’s Philosophy; and if by chance you are not yet a member of our Be-More Team, then please Click Here to Register and Be Welcome Aboard.