What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part One

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part One

Hello world I am The Mystic Philosopher and you are tuned to the right number and thanks for watching.

This blog post is he transcript of lecture/video presentation I did some time ago in response to several requests I had received and are still continue to receiving from some of my fellow associates who have asked me to do a lecture/video presentation on the subject of Marriage and by so doing share some of my perspectives on the following three questions:

  1. What is marriage?
  2. What is meant by the institution of marriage?
  3. And what the institution called marriage is all about?

They did so as a result of listening to me ‘I The Mystic Philosopher’ while I was calling in on a very popular Sunday evening African Canadian and Caribbean Radio Station and Talk Show here in Toronto Ontario Canada called Grape Vine on G98.7 FM on which the topic and subject of the discussion that evening was Marriage.  One of my wishes is that the Host of the program, his Co-Host and featured Guest along with some of his listening audience may one day get the chance to either watch or listen to the video presentation that I did or read this lecture transcript for here again I will be answering the question that he had asked me and I did not answer because I had just asked his very distinguished guest to answer four question for me and I did not want him to be distracted while doing so. Moreover, I was on the phone while in the company of some other people that were also listening to the show. So I had to quickly get off the phone in order to turn up the radio for them to hear the answers as we all continue listening to the rest of the program.

In his (the Host) introduction, which consisted of some very pointed statements and thoughtful introductory comments on the topic along with the introduction of his guest a Rev Doctor and Pastor, the talk show host and moderator of the program noticeably gave the definitions of a family in accordance with a statistics Canada report. He also made a comment and I’ll quote: “marriage is under attack by the devil, the institution, no doubt about that.”

His guest the Rev Doctor and Pastor as part of his introduction and introductory comments on the topic said almost all that he thinks and believes that marriage Is Not; but if he really knew and had a clear understanding in his heart and mind of what marriage really is and what the institution of marriage is all about, and if he truly wanted to communicate that fact, in a simple, clear and very straight forward way, then from my perspective he did not do so.  Not at all, he did not clearly state or define exactly what marriage really is. However he did say that it ‘meaning marriage’ is as relevant today as when it first began; that marriage is an institution; and that it is the business of God etc. Continue reading “What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part One”

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Two

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Two

 Welcome to Part Two of this my presentation titled What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript

 It’s Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher.

If you did not read Part One I strongly recommend that you do so before` reading this Part Two.

As promised in Part One, here in Part Two I will be delving much deeper into meanings and definitions of the words Marriage and Institution as I continue to answer the question “What is Marriage?” and share some of my perspectives on the Institution of Marriage.

Now for most people who know me “I The Mystic Philosopher” or may have watched some or all of my You-tube videos or those of you who may have attended any of my lectures and seminars, or those of you that may have met me in person and talked to me on a one and one basis, you will agree that I have always admitted to the fact that I am not English, that English is not my ancestry, nor am I in any way an English ‘wanna be’. I have always admitted and I am proud to continue admitting that the English language is not my language; that English is not my Natural Native Earthly Human Tongue; that the English language is my Honorable Ancestors slave masters and their heir and successors language; that my Honorable Ancestors and their descendants were never taught the slave master’s English language; but instead they were taught only a bastardized version of the English language. I have also admitted and will continue to admit that I do not know or understand the English language that well and that the closet that I think that I can or will ever get to or come to knowing or having an understanding and thorough insight into the English language and it’s owners the English people is through my frequent use and reference to their dictionaries.

Therefore, if or when I am discussing a subject or if or when I need to know the meanings and definitions of an English word the place I go to first, is to the English dictionaries.  It so happen that through the use of modern technology and the Internet I don’t even have to walk around with my dictionary as before or even try to tax my mind/brain with unnecessary clutters or clusters of words and by trying to memorize words and becoming a walking dictionary or a walking encyclopedia; but I just have to pull out my cell phone and Google the word and the meanings and definitions are right there. Now I think that even though it is arguably a person’s human right to be dumb and stupid and even to remain ignorant in today’s world; it is not a compulsory that one should or one has to exercise that right. Continue reading “What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Two”

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Three


Welcome to Part Three of this my presentation titled: What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript

It’s Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher.

If you did not read Part One and Two in the said order I strongly recommend that you do so before` reading this Part Three.

I will now continue by looking on the second definition of the word marriage as given by dictionary.com

Second definition from section one: “Marriage is a Religiously or a Socially sanctioned union of persons who commit to one another, forming a familial and economic bond: Anthropologists say that some type of marriage has been found in every society, past and present.”

First I would like you to note from this definition that Marriage is a Religiously or a Socially sanctioned Union of persons who commit to one another. In other words either your Religion gave your permission to be Religiously Married or your Society meaning Community or Family give you permission/consent to get Married. The important thing to note however is that unless the Government Sanction your Marriage/Business it is not considered a Legal Marriage/Legal Business under the law.

I also want you to note the phrase “union of persons who commit one to another”; persons mean more than one.  Therefore your Religion as in the case of Ancient Israel, Islam, Mormons etc. or your family, your community, your culture may sanction and give you permission to be Married to more than one person. Marriage to more than one person is also called group Marriage. However, under the current Western System of Government you can only be Legally Married to one person at a time.

Again even though you might be very Highly Religious, and even though your Pastor, your Church, your Community and others may put pressure on you to get Married or they might even pick and arrange your Partner for you the fact is that according to this definition a real Marriage it is all about accumulating Material Wealth, Riches, the Money, Money. Continue reading “What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Three”

What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Four

Welcome to Part Four of this my presentation titled: What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Four

It’s Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher.

If you did not read Part One, Two and Three in the said order I strongly recommend that you do so before` reading this Part Four.

So what is a Social Institution?

Social Institutions

According to Wiki Answers: a Social Institutions are patterns of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs. Essentially, different elements of societies. Examples include, schools, workplace, religious institutions, family, politics, and economy.”

Please note that these are all man made Institutions and Establishments and that there is no mention of the word love in their definitions. In fact it is not even implied. It’s all about the wealth/money and keeping it in the family. A family affair means a business affair.

So thus far I think I have answered question one from my four questions to the Rev Doctor and Pastor. Questions namely

  1. Could you please define the English words Marriage and Institution for me?

Now I will quickly answer question 2 to 4.

  1. If Marriage is an Institution who would freely wants to be in an Institution? And why?

From my perspective the people that would freely want to be in a Marriage Institution and especially one that is Legal are people who truly know what Marriage is all about, those who truly know that Marriage is a Business and a very serious Business at that. Those who know that Marriage is a Business, a Corporation that can start with only two people that are serious Partners in Business and grow and mature into a huge and powerful Multi Billion Dollar family Business that will transcends many future generations.

Those who know when to hole a Business/Marriage, when to fold a Business/Marriage, when to walk away from a Business/Marriage and when to run away from a Business/Marriage.  Those who know that they should not allow themselves to go  down on a sinking ship, but that those who fight and run a way will live to fight another day.

Sometimes smart and shrewd Business Partners and the Board of Corporations know that in order to survive or walk away with their life and their sanity they have to file bankruptcy/Chapter Eleven. However, on the other hand fools who don’t understand what Business/Marriage is all about will wait until the Business/Marriage Bankrupt them.

And why get Married? Or why get Legally Married? Continue reading “What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Four”