What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part One
Hello world I am The Mystic Philosopher and you are tuned to the right number and thanks for watching.
This blog post is he transcript of lecture/video presentation I did some time ago in response to several requests I had received and are still continue to receiving from some of my fellow associates who have asked me to do a lecture/video presentation on the subject of Marriage and by so doing share some of my perspectives on the following three questions:
- What is marriage?
- What is meant by the institution of marriage?
- And what the institution called marriage is all about?
They did so as a result of listening to me ‘I The Mystic Philosopher’ while I was calling in on a very popular Sunday evening African Canadian and Caribbean Radio Station and Talk Show here in Toronto Ontario Canada called Grape Vine on G98.7 FM on which the topic and subject of the discussion that evening was Marriage. One of my wishes is that the Host of the program, his Co-Host and featured Guest along with some of his listening audience may one day get the chance to either watch or listen to the video presentation that I did or read this lecture transcript for here again I will be answering the question that he had asked me and I did not answer because I had just asked his very distinguished guest to answer four question for me and I did not want him to be distracted while doing so. Moreover, I was on the phone while in the company of some other people that were also listening to the show. So I had to quickly get off the phone in order to turn up the radio for them to hear the answers as we all continue listening to the rest of the program.
In his (the Host) introduction, which consisted of some very pointed statements and thoughtful introductory comments on the topic along with the introduction of his guest a Rev Doctor and Pastor, the talk show host and moderator of the program noticeably gave the definitions of a family in accordance with a statistics Canada report. He also made a comment and I’ll quote: “marriage is under attack by the devil, the institution, no doubt about that.”
His guest the Rev Doctor and Pastor as part of his introduction and introductory comments on the topic said almost all that he thinks and believes that marriage Is Not; but if he really knew and had a clear understanding in his heart and mind of what marriage really is and what the institution of marriage is all about, and if he truly wanted to communicate that fact, in a simple, clear and very straight forward way, then from my perspective he did not do so. Not at all, he did not clearly state or define exactly what marriage really is. However he did say that it ‘meaning marriage’ is as relevant today as when it first began; that marriage is an institution; and that it is the business of God etc.
And to be fair to the Rev Doctor and Pastor the straightforward answer to the question, “what is marriage” as you shall shortly see and one that I will expound on throughout this lecture presentation transcript can be logically deduced from his own response in the things that he said marriage is not and also from what he thinks it is. But I am also aware of the fact that it is possible that he may disagree with my deduction of what marriage is from his own statements, due to the fact that it might not be in alignment with his religious teachings and possible his religious beliefs.
For example: The Rev Doctor and Pastor said I’ll quote “marriage is not the church’s business, even though the church is involved. And marriage is not the Government’s business even though you have to get a lenience from the Government to be married. Marriage is not even society’s business event though I think we have to go back to the very begging to find out when did it all began. Whose idea was it? And for what reasons was marriage instituted.” He said that he would want to conclude that “marriage is God’s business.” Later on he also said that marriage is not looked upon as something sacred and something that is fundamentally necessary.”
From these the Rev Doctor and Pastor’s own comments let my give you the one thing and the one word that best describe and totally sum up what marriage and the institution of marriage is all about and the one thing that I think that he and I may agree on, or at the very least we may agree in principle; and it is that marriage is a BUSINESS and the institution of marriage is all about- BUSINESS – PERIOD/FULL STOP. And as you shall no doubt see, during the rest of this lecture presentation transcript that for anyone of sound mind to think or to believe otherwise is not at all wise. Meaning anyone who thinks or believes that marriage is not a BUSINESS is the opposite of being wise to say the least.
Now here are some examples of things on which the Rev Doctor and Pastor and I may never agree on.
- According to the Rev, marriage is Not the Government’s business. I most strongly disagree. I personally think and the evidence will show and thereby back me up that it is the Government that benefits the most from any and all forms of marriages. 2. According to the Rev marriage is Not society’s business, I also disagree. From my perspective and I intend to show in this presentation that marriage = business = organization = institution = corporation = company which is the pillar and foundation of all civilizations and societies. 3. According to the Rev marriage is Not looked upon as something sacred etc. To this I somewhat agree.
However, I personally think that a lot of people today have become free and independent minded thinkers and are becoming far more enlightened to the fact that marriage is a business, and that it is not necessarily the kind of Religious Sacrament that some religious people are portraying it to be. And as a result of this awakening they don’t see or accept marriage the way that it has been traditionally taught and presented to them especially by the Christian Church as been holy, conjugal etc. By conjugal marriage I mean a marriage between one man and one woman also known as husband and wife.
For your information, conjugal marriages are a very recent Western Christian and Caucasian/European ideology and tradition. And it was the only form of marriage that was considered legal by the State/Western Governments until quite recently that saw new legalization permitting legal same-sex marriages.
Now please let me make it very clear that I am not attacking or trying to attack anyone’s beliefs or beliefs system; for activated commonsense alone should tell us and affirm that, that is all that it is, beliefs or belief system. And I am not advocating or promoting any form of marriage over another. Moreover, as individuals I think we all have a right to believe whatever we want to believe, whatever we are told to believe or whatever we may choose to believe. However, we must be honest to ourselves and admit that our belief or beliefs do not, cannot and will not change the facts. For it is what it is. The fact that we say we believe is the fact that we do not know; for if or when we know, we would not believe. My only challenge with some believers/religious people is that some of their beliefs are so inconsistent with basic logic and commonsense that that they do not only appear confused and ignorant; but also as being intellectually dishonest.
The evidence has shown that conjugal marriage is not anthropological as it relates to the cultural development of humans. The evidence will show that conjugal marriage is normal; but that it is not natural, and it is not historical either; meaning it is not a practice that is congruent with all societies through out recorded or even modern history; and above all and to the possible disappointment to many, conjugal marriage is not scriptural or biblical.
I ‘The Mystic Philosopher’ can happily show and prove to you my readers that are intellectually astutely free and independent minded thinkers in and from the Christian Holy Bible, that almost all if not all the Patriarchs in the Christian Bible had multiple wives, mistresses and concubines. And all those Patriarchs, Kings and Prophets etc. were much closer to the God of the Bible than any Pope, Clergy or Holy Men that are claiming to believe in the Bible today.
And please allow me to divert a bit and interject this vital bit of information for I would be remiss if I did not emphasized and if I do not reemphasized the unadulterated facts that one: This same Christian Holy Bible was and is my Honorable African Ancestors malevolent invaders, slave masters, slave traders, slave drivers, murders, oppressors and persecutors, etc. Sacred and Holy Book. Two: That it is the same Christian Holy Bible/Holy Book that the despicable creatures in accordance with the practice and custom of their Christian religion/faith forcefully and torturously taught to my Honorable Ancestors and thus effectively making them even more efficient and obedient slaves. Three: The Christian Holy Bible is the same Holy Book that my Honorable Ancestors evil Caucasoid slave masters seeds, heirs and successors today have inherited; and in accordance with their custom, tradition, faith and practice of their fathers and above all, in reverence and honor to the God and Gods of their fathers they are faithfully teaching and preaching to us. Yes they are faithfully and fearlessly teaching and preaching to us the faith and religion of their fathers. By us I mean we the people that are by extension seen and considered by them to be nothing but cattle and their physical inheritance; We the people that are the direct descendants of the Evil Caucasian Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.
I can show you and would be more that happy to do so, where almost all if not all the patriarchs in the Christian bible had multiple wives, mistresses and concubines. And all those patriarchs, kings and prophets etc. were much closer to the God of the bible than any Pope or Clergy men today. I am almost certain that the Rev Doctor and Pastor and I will disagree on that as well.
But at least the Rev Dr. Pastor and I may or we can both agree on the one thing that marriage is a business and as you shall also shortly see marriage is big/huge business.
I think it would be senseless, confusing, contradicting, misleading, disingenuous or possibly just plain dishonest for one to say that marriage is not the Government’s business, marriage is not society’s business, marriage is God’s business, and then in the next breath deny or attempt to deny that marriage is Not a business.
His proclamation that marriage is God’s business immediately got me thinking to myself, a thinking out of which the following questions arose.
- Which God or whose God does the business of marriage belongs?
- Which God or whose God has the monopoly and copyright on the business of marriage? I am still left to wonder.
- And who or what does the Rev Doctor conceive God to be?
- Does he mean that marriage is the business of his God, the Christian God alone?
- If yes then what about the other peoples Gods do they each have their own marriage business as well?
- For example is marriage the business of the Jewish God, the Muslim God, the Hindu God, the Buddhist God, the Rastafarian’s God Etc.?
- And if my interpretation and understanding of the meaning of the English word God is correct and if marriage is his/her or its business, in other words if marriage is the business of any God, then why should or why would mortal men and mortal women want to get involve or want to interfere with that God’s business if they are not insane?
Frankly speaking if marriage is God’s business or if marriage is the business of a God then I think humans should stay the hell out of it.
The Rev Doctor and Pastor also said something that I personally found quite interesting if not inaccurate, partially true or misleading to say the least. He said the Government in response to people’s idea has changed the marriage law and I’ll quote “The Government has legally changed the marriage law where marriage is now between two consenting adults regardless of sex.” Unquote. Now based on my quick search here on the Internet he may be correct in his language and description of the enactment of The Civil Marriage Act or Bill C-38 in July of 2005, an act or legislation that legalizes Same-Sex Marriages all across Canada.
However, without having read the act myself and by just apply my basic commonsense, where I think he may have seriously erred is in this his follow up statement/comment and I’ll quote “A man can marry anything that he wants, a woman can marry anything that she wants.” Unquote. I honestly don’t think that a man can marry anything that he wants or a woman can marry anything that she wants in Canada as a result of the enactment of The Civil Marriage Act. And in as much as some people may take offense to this law because of their religious beliefs, philosophies, knowledge or otherwise biases, the fact is that in order for marriage to be considered legal in Canada it has to be between two consenting adults that are humans. For in as much as Canada may be considered by many as being one of the most liberal and tolerant societies in the world and in as much as Canadians do love their pets and many other things dearly, to the best of my knowledge they can’t be legally married to them.
I continued to listen to all the other callers some of whom made some great points and comments until way into the program but I still did not get a clear definition or at least a definition to my satisfaction from anyone as to what marriage is or even the definitions of the English words marriage and institution. And that along with promptings from those that were in my company was what led me to call in to the program and asked the following four questions.
My questions to the Rev Doctor and Pastor are four and are as follows:
- Could you please define the English words marriage and institution for me?
- If marriage is an institution who would freely wants to be in an institution? And why?
- Who truly belongs in an institution? Any institution?
- And is it possible that people that are already in institutions any institution and people who may end up in an institution any institution may not fare that well?
However to my disappointment and that of my associates who were with me listening to the program none of my four questions were answered but from my perspective they appeared to be the most unwelcome and were just causally if not sarcastically and contemptuously ignored.
This is the end of Part One of this Lecture Presentation Transcript. Please join me in part two for the continuation as I delve deeper into the meanings and definitions of the words Marriage and the word Institution.
I am The Mystic Philosopher aka Dr. David G. Jones Ph.D.