What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Four

Welcome to Part Four of this my presentation titled: What is Marriage? A G98.7 FM Response Video Presentation Lecture Transcript Part Four

It’s Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher.

If you did not read Part One, Two and Three in the said order I strongly recommend that you do so before` reading this Part Four.

So what is a Social Institution?

Social Institutions

According to Wiki Answers: a Social Institutions are patterns of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs. Essentially, different elements of societies. Examples include, schools, workplace, religious institutions, family, politics, and economy.”

Please note that these are all man made Institutions and Establishments and that there is no mention of the word love in their definitions. In fact it is not even implied. It’s all about the wealth/money and keeping it in the family. A family affair means a business affair.

So thus far I think I have answered question one from my four questions to the Rev Doctor and Pastor. Questions namely

  1. Could you please define the English words Marriage and Institution for me?

Now I will quickly answer question 2 to 4.

  1. If Marriage is an Institution who would freely wants to be in an Institution? And why?

From my perspective the people that would freely want to be in a Marriage Institution and especially one that is Legal are people who truly know what Marriage is all about, those who truly know that Marriage is a Business and a very serious Business at that. Those who know that Marriage is a Business, a Corporation that can start with only two people that are serious Partners in Business and grow and mature into a huge and powerful Multi Billion Dollar family Business that will transcends many future generations.

Those who know when to hole a Business/Marriage, when to fold a Business/Marriage, when to walk away from a Business/Marriage and when to run away from a Business/Marriage.  Those who know that they should not allow themselves to go  down on a sinking ship, but that those who fight and run a way will live to fight another day.

Sometimes smart and shrewd Business Partners and the Board of Corporations know that in order to survive or walk away with their life and their sanity they have to file bankruptcy/Chapter Eleven. However, on the other hand fools who don’t understand what Business/Marriage is all about will wait until the Business/Marriage Bankrupt them.

And why get Married? Or why get Legally Married?

Number one: It’s because of the Legal Status within the System and all the System’s benefits that come with it.  Unfortunately some people especially those that are highly religious think and believe that to be Legally Married is just to Legalize Sex with their Partner.  These are some of the people that teach and preach this doctrine in the name of the Apostle Paul that it is better to marry than to burn. But from my perspective that is not the reason why sensible and well informed people get Married/start a Corporation or the reason why they would want to get Married/start a Corporation.

Sensible and well-informed people know that you don’t have to be Legally Married or not Legally Married to have sex.  In fact for some if not most people the record will show that they have more Sex and better Sex before the got Married than after they eventually got Married.

Let me quote you the scripture that the Apostle Paul is alleged to have said or wrote. “Now to the unmarried and to the widows I say that it be better for you to continue to live alone as I do. 9. But if you cannot restrain your desires, go ahead and marry – it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”  1 Corinthians 7: 8-9.

Now let me assume first that the Apostle Paul, even though its alleged by most if not all theologians and bible scholars that he was not Married, he did not have a Wife or a Partner; he had never had a Wife/Partner; he was not having Sex; and it’s also possible that he had never had Sex in all his life; let us assume that he was still a wise man. And secondly, let us say or assume that he did say and wrote this scripture and admonition in the Spirit of Wisdom.  Then from my perspective in order for it to make sense and be of benefit to its intended targets it would have to be interpret in and through the Spirit of Wisdom. 

Because from my perspective it would not be wise for him and any man or woman of his alleged caliber and wisdom, a man that is said to be a brilliant student and practitioner of the Law of Moses called the Torah to tell someone that it is better for them to continue to live alone. For according to his own sacred Hebrew writings the Torah, that some called Moses Law, his God and the God of his ancestors namely Yahweh Elohim said, “It is not good for the man to be alone” Gen 2:18.  And I would also add that from my perspective “it is not good for the woman to be alone either.”  So if the God of his ancestors say it’s not good to be alone, then by what authority does Paul speaks or who gave Paul the authority to override the word of the God of his ancestors?  He may have made a personal decision to live alone possibly even to live alone like a hermit; but that does not mean that because he thinks that its good/better for him to be alone it should be good/better for others.

From my perspective if the story as recorded in the Christian Holy Bible is indeed true, then the unmarried men and women to whom the Apostle Paul was speaking were those that understood Marriage as a Business; and they wanted to get in to Marriage as a serious Business and not just get into it because they were horny, burning with passion for sex and wanted to have sex to let off steam or to have sex that was sanction by their Church Pastors in order to avoid the guilt of fornication. These were people who must have had a strong passion and desire for starting a Legitimate Business also called a Legal Family Business etc.

From my perspective the people to whom Paul was writing or speaking understood Marriage as a Business; a Business that have perks, social status, tax breaks and benefits, such as children and grandchildren; some of whom they may have to depend on to take care of them when they are old and especially when the children or grandchildren know that their names are in the will and they stand to inherit a lot. Those people did not want to die like Paul without posterity.


The widows mention here no doubt were not some old people that maybe were financially broke, physically and mentally sick, or possibly have one foot in the grave. But it is possible that these were widows and widowers who became so as a result of their Business Partners dying at a young age; maybe dying of illness, accidents or the victims of wars etc. and the truth is that not because one Partner in a Marriage dies then the other Partner should live the rest of his or her life as a celibate or as if he or she is a waking half dead.

  1. Who truly belongs in an Institution? Any Institution?

The answer to this is simple. Only those that are qualify by earning the right to be in an Institution, whatever or whichever Institution, only they who have earned the right belong there or belong in it. For example if you are qualify by meeting all the prerequisites to be in a Learning Institution any Learning Institution, or to be in a Penal Institution, a Mental Institution, a Financial Institution, a Hospital/Medical Institution, a Religious Institution, a Marriage Institution etc. then that is simply where you belong for you have earned the right to be there or to be in it for better or for worst.

With respect to Marriage Institution I honestly think that fools shouldn’t get involved they should only work as employees and assistants for that Institution.

  1. And is it possible that people that are already in Institutions any Institution and people who may end up in an Institution any Institution may not fare that well?

Again the answer to this one is a resounding yes. In fact the record has shown that when most people end up in some of these Institutions it could mean goodbye, welfare or farewell for them.

Summary conclusion

Originally Marriage or to be precise Western Society style Conjugal Marriage was never designed for poor, underclass and especially ignorant people. Marriage was not Instituted for the peasants, the subjects and the commoners, etc.

Originally Marriage has nothing whatsoever to do with so-called love; the idea or the concept of love in Marriage today was later incorporated into the Institution of Marriage by Priests, Pastors, and the Religious Leaders, etc. mainly to facilitate the poor and hopeless peasants and to make the Church money.

Marriage is all about Business and Commerce. It is a Corporation; it’s about Family a Business Family.

In order for a Family/Business to work, prosper and be successful it has to be treated as such, as a Business.  If or when there is a problem in the Business/Family, the members just don’t run off to some outsiders be they Priests, Pastors or some so-called Spiritual Advisors, Sex Therapist, etc. for so-called Counseling, Consolation and Readings etc. They know that they have to first troubleshoot, identify and solve the problem. External experts, specialist and professionals are only brought in by the family if or when necessary.

Because of gross ignorance, as far as poor people are concerned, Marriage is about them losing money than them gaining Wealth.  Example and as the host of the show rightly said, it cost them “the poor people” money to get in the Marriage; it cost them more money to stay in the Marriage; and sometimes it even cost them much more money to get out of the Marriage alive and well.

Even when there are all these Christian Ministers, Pastors and others telling people that Marriage is about two people falling in love but if you can read well enough to be able to read the Christian bible for yourselves the same book that they themselves claim to be preaching from you may never find where any of the patriarchs with the exception of Jacob the Father of Israel who some claim was a schemer, others also argue that he got two wives for the price of one along with a lot of wealth and possessions, you may never find them claiming to be Marrying for love or them Marrying into poverty.

For example the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did not Marry for Love as most people think they know it or into poverty or for poorer. And in order to keep the Riches, Wealth and Power among themselves (meaning keep it in the family) and into future generations they Marry into their own Family like the Royals and Oligarchies of today.  For example if it was all about Love as most people think they know it, Abraham wouldn’t Marry to his Sister; Isaac wouldn’t Marry his first cousin; also Jacob wouldn’t Marry his cousins. If Marriage was all about Love then Jacob could have left Laban with only his wife and children and not argue about possessions see Gen 30:26 to 41.

Salomon was said to be the wisest man at least in his days but I am sure that even though he is said to have One Thousand Wives (1,000) or to be precise Seven Hundred Wives (700) and Three Hundred Concubines (300) I can almost bet a sure bet that none of his Wives/Concubines were peasants or paupers. And none of them came from humble paupers and peasants beginnings. In fact if any woman wanted to see or taste of his Wisdom and Endowment they had to bring him gifts like in the case of the Queen of Sheba.

Example: according to the Christian bible:

The Queen of Sheba brought King Solomon: “Arriving with a very great caravan-with camels carrying spices, large quantities of gold, and precious stones …” (2 Chronicles 9:1, NIV); and “Then she gave the king 120 talents of gold, large quantities of spices, and precious stones. There had never been such spices as those the Queen of Sheba gave to King Solomon.” (2 Chronicles 9:9, NIV).

Then we are told that “King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba all she desired and asked for; he gave her more than she had brought to him,” (2 Chronicles 9:12, NIV).

And according to some Rasta’s King Solomon gave the Queen of Sheba His Imperial Majesty Hail Selassie.

This is the end of this my Presentation/Lecture Transcript on the subject of Marriage and the Institution thereof. I do hope that you at least find it taught provoking and please stay tune for my upcoming presentation in I will be sharing some of my perspective on The George Zimmerman Not Guilty Verdict before I get back to my regular series of presentations call Redemption for The Curse of The Black Spell.

I am The Mystic Philosopher aka Dr. David G. Jones Ph.D.

Thanks for reading.

All your comments and feedback are welcome.