Welcome To The Mystic Philosopher’s Music Video Page 1

The Mystic Philosopher Recording at GMPS Studio

Here you will find links to some of The Mystic Philosopher’s latest music video and the story behind their composition.

Video #1. Title “Smell The Rose (aka) Skyi’s Song. This song was written, composed and published by I The Mystic Philosopher as a tribute and in loving memory of my then sixteen year old granddaughter  “Skyi Cinnamon Matthews”  who was afflicted with a very deadly, aggressive and torturing form of bone cancer known as Osteosarcoma Cancer aka aka Osteogenic Cancer from which she had lost one of her legs and to which she had later succumb. It is also dedicated to all cancer patients the world over and especially to the children who are now stricken by this monstrous disease and also to those who too have succumbed. Please Full-Joy this song in their memory. You may also purchase and share a copy with your friends and families here.