To Think or Not to Think- Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher
Hello World: I am The Mystic Philosopher and thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read this my Blog post. Having watched, listened and observed the reactions, passions, disturbed emotions, anger, fears, confusions, disappointment and above all the ongoing protests and participation in disgusting marches of some of my fellow African people that are living in America, aka African Americans and some my people of African Ancestry in general, local and international, to the November 8th 2016 United States of America Presidential Race and the subsequent election of the Multi-Billionaire Businessman and Real Estate Tycoon Mr. Donald Trump now “President elect Donald Trump” I am hereby inspired to quickly write this post and share some of my perspectives as to why I Think they are behaving and reacting as such; as if they truly under the influenced of something or someone external to themselves.
From my perspective they are reacting and behaving as if their second Messiah and final hope of salvation Mrs. Hillary Clinton has been crucified and the Anti-Christ or Son of Perdition Mr. Trump has come to preside over their final and dismal days of torment in Babylon/US before he deport them to an eternal hell.
According to the approximately thirty five hundred year old record, an ancient Israelite Prophet named Jeremiah wrote of his people the ancient Hebrew Israelites:
“This is what the LORD says: “Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who draws strength from mere flesh and whose heart turns away from the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:5, NIV.
“For your information, “the LORD” being spoken of here is their (ancient Hebrew Israel’s) ancestors and ancestral God name Yahweh. I have said elsewhere and I will say much more about our “African ancestral God and Gods etc.” at another time; but my main reason for quoting the Hebrews writings here is to point out and emphasized a basic principle, and a fact that was known and practiced from ancient times by almost all the different peoples and cultures.”
What they (meaning my African people) have failed and are failing to realized is that they are incurring, or in other words bringing a Curse, a Bad Omen, a Destructive Vibration, a Harm upon themselves by putting and by continuing to put their trust in men, in women, in flesh; and in particular and most destructive of all, they are putting the faith and trust in the men, the women, the flesh of the System/the Government.
They have failed and they are failing miserably at not realizing that they are incurring, bringing upon themselves a Curse, a Bad Omen, a Destructive Vibration of Bondage, of Servitude and of a System Dependency by putting their faith and trust in the System/the Government; in the flesh; in men and women; the sons and daughters; the children/descendants; in the heirs and successors, the literal bloodlines of the same people; the same Black Colonial invaders, murderers, conquerors and oppressors that have captured, killed, maimed, traded, enslaved, oppressed and abused our Honorable Ancestors, our Honorable Bloodlines and by extension Doing us Over today.
According to the same approximately thirty five hundred year old record quoted above, another ancient Hebrew Israelite Prophet named Hosea wrote of and concerning his people Israel:
“My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6 NIV.
Today, the year 2016 the evidence will show and the evidence has shown that since that time knowledge in almost all its forms and manifestations in this Third Dimensional Plane have significantly and abundantly increased; and above all it “knowledge” is even more easily accessible to those who seek or have desire for it. However, it is with much mental pain and regret that I too must admit that today my people, The Natural Native Earthly Humans, The Earth’s Organic and Highly Melanin-ated Humans aka African people are being destroyed, literally destroyed for lack of Thinking.
From my perspective, it is not the lack of or the in-availability of knowledge or its accessibility that is causing most of my people to be destroyed while being taken advantage of; and while being mentally and physically humiliated an abused; but it is simply because of their lack of Thinking. I The Mystic Philosopher unapologetically say that “My people are destroyed and are being destroyed from lack of Thinking.”
The very renowned leader and notoriously infamous Caucasoid Politician namely Adolf Hitler once said: “What good fortune for governments that the people do not think”
There are a few subtle and very important facts that I would like to highlight and amplify and ask that you all my readers take very careful notes of right here from this that I The Mystic Philosopher called one of the Politician, Adolf Hitler’s very profound statement of truth, declaration and admission.
First: Please note that he did not say “what -fortune – for governments that the people do not think”. And why, you may ask? It’s because fortune by itself can be either Good, Bad, Indifferent or Mediocre; or simply a Misfortune. But he qualifies his statement by saying what “Good Fortune – for governments that the people do not Think”
Second: Please note that he did not say “What good fortune for my government or what good fortune for our government (meaning his then German Nazi government) that my people do not Think.” But he said “What good fortune for “governments” that the people do not think”.
Governments from my perspective mean all forms of government. In fact from my perspective there is really only One Government, (an Invisible Centralized Government if you will) that now Governs us the people, places and things on this Planet Earth; but within that One Government are many different ideological Systems called governments. This fact/point I have already explained elsewhere in some of my writings, lectures and songs etc.
Therefore, it does not matter what form/what expression or which ideological System of government that is being used to govern the people. Whether it was or it is Hitler’s Ideological System of Government called Nazism, or whether it was the Ideological Systems called Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Fascism, Imperialism, Colonialism, Totalitarianism, Mohammedanism, Zionism, Taliban-ism, Catholicism you name them, or whether it is the So-called Ideological System of government called Democracy then or Democracy now that governs the western world.
Or to take it a step further even if it is the government that governs your religions and your religious organizations, your place of employment and your school board, etc. It is still a good fortune for all governments when we the people that they govern do not think.
Thirdly: Please note that Hitler did not say “What good fortune for governments that the people “CANNOT” Think.” But that they “DO NOT” Think. As wicked, evil and a liar as we are told that Hitler was, here and to the best of my current knowledge he did not say that the people that are being governed could not or cannot Think for themselves; nor that he himself even believed such a lie. He said that they “DO NOT” Think and consequently that is a good fortune for all governments.
Therefore, if it is a Misfortune or if it is a Bad Luck for governments if the people should Think; or if it is Misfortune for governments should the people wake up from their hypnotic trance and start Thinking for themselves, then the few of us who are already awaken who dear to Think would Think that it is in the best interest for all governments to keep the people from Thinking and what better way for them to do it than to lie to them and have them believe lies.
It is said and is believed by many that Knowledge is Power. In fact and according to one or more online Meaning and Expansion of this proverb: “’Knowledge is power‘ is a popular proverb. It means that knowledge is more powerful than physical strength and no great work can be done without knowledge. Knowledge is a powerful factor that empowers people achieves great results. The more knowledge a person gains, the more powerful he becomes.”
However, from I The Mystic Philosopher’s humble perspective, knowledge or that which is called Knowledge is only Potential Power; and Wisdom or that which is called Wisdom is the Real and True Power. And from my perspective there are four steps or four levels to Real and True Power = Wisdom.
The first step or step number one is what I call Thinking.
The second step or step number two is what may be defined/describe as Believing.
The third step or step number three is what I called Understanding.
And the forth, and final step or step number four is Wisdom = Real Power. And the fact is that there is no way or shortcuts of bypassing any of these steps to Wisdom = Real Power.
It is therefore evident that if my people mentioned above are really not sheep, then they are indeed asleep in either a self-induced or the System’s induced hypnotic trance or possible both. And until they are awakened, or until we are all awaken and start Thinking on the way to Wisdom = Real and True Power, then collectively as a people, not only will we continue to be an embarrassment to our Honorable Ancestors, but we will also remain nothing but mental and physical slaves to the System and its owners and administrators; and victims and causalities of its agents of Force.
Thanks for reading this far and your comments and feedback are always welcome.
I am The Mystic Philosopher aka Dr. David G. Jones Ph.D.