Welcome back to this my Video Presentation (Transcript) Titled: The Mystic Philosopher’s Perspective on The Cyclic Journey Called Life (Part Two).
Please let me quickly recap some of the main points that I talked about in Part One or Video One of this Presentation (Transcript) and ask that you please bear them in mind as I continue here in Part Two.
I highlighted (from my perspective) the fact that Life or the Thing that we called Life is made up of Everything; or if you prefer Life is made up of all that we in our human State/Condition can Think of; Things that are both visible and invisible, physical and metaphysical.
For as long as we can conceive it, perceive it, imagine it, believe it, doubt it, think about it, talk about it or experience it etc. then it is all a part of the Thing we called Life.
I highlighted and talked about (from my perspective) the fact that we all see and experience this thing called life from our own individual angle of observation that I also called our individual perspective; and that our individual angle of observation or perspective is our individual Right Angle. And if or when we should understand this fact, then we may realize that we are all right.
I highlighted (from my perspective) the fact that the words Wonder and Wonderful are synonymous with the word Life and that they can or that they may be used interchangeably.
I highlighted (from my perspective) the fact that I The Mystic Philosopher describe Life as being Wonderful; meaning it is full of or filled with Wonders, Wonderers and Wondering Possibilities; this also include that which we call Impossibilities.
I highlighted (from my perspective) the fact that we in our human State/Condition are the products of the Thing we called Life; or to say it another way we are the products of Wonder therefore we are all Wonder-ers; and by extension we are all Wonderful.
I highlighted the fact (from my perspective) that we do not know Nothing (for example how can we Think of or Conceptualize in our minds No-thing); and that we really don’t know Anything; and possibly we cannot really know a Thing or Anything at all.
I highlighted the fact that (from my perspective), scientists and the scientific community along with their adherents regardless of how revered they are or regardless of how revered they may be, the truth be known (and told), they too are Wonderers, Speculators, Thinkers, Theorist, Assume-ers/Assumption-ist and Guess-perts etc. just like the rest of us all. And above all we all do and will all suffer the same fate.
I highlighted the fact from my perspective that we can or we may only Think we know; for without Thinking what do we really know? Without Thinking how do we know that we know? And without Thinking how can or how do we know that we don’t know? I personally don’t know. Do you Know?
And among all the other things that I talked about in Part One of this lecture presentation (which I will again humbly ask that you please watch/read Part One of this transcript before you watch/read this Part Two) is that from my perspective it is possibly that the thing called Life is a journey and a Cyclic Journey that has no end; meaning it just keeps Cycling on and on throughout that which we call eternity.
Now like most if not all journeys on this Plane of existence, there are slopes along the way, there are hills and there are valleys. There are inclines and declines, there are ups and there are downs, there are pleasure and there are suffering, there is justice and there is injustice, there are opposites and in between, there are the good, the bad, the ugly and the indifferent and so forth and so on.
And as we journey along this life’s up and down, life’s rugged and smooth pathway we will find that our journey can and will be much more pleasurable if we would move at the most calm, healthy, relaxing and at the most comfortable and stress free pace.
Our life’s experiences on this plane could or would be much more pleasurable, more satisfying if and when we are able to synchronize our steps with the Natural rhythm and harmonious principles of our Source and Mother Nature.
Life’s experiences could be much more pleasurable, much more pleasing and enjoyable, much more enchanting and delightful; life’s experiences could be much more graceful and satisfying if and when we are able to simply take life’s journey one breathe at a time; one heart beat at a time; one step at a time; one meal one mouthful at a time; and above all a day at a time.
My dearly beloved and late mother (peace be upon her memory and her soul) a great and very remarkable woman of very little formal education; but she was a woman of a vase reservoir of practical knowledge, understanding and wisdom, that she had gained through some very harsh and difficult experiences in her life time;
On several occasions she reminded me of the process that she had observed and the life lessons that she had learned from watching builders building houses.
She would refer to the fact that in-order for a builder to roof a house he/she must first lay a solid foundation and there upon he/she must build the structure of the house one building block at a time.
And in-order for the builder to climb on a ladder to the top or the roof of the house he/she must also very carefully and patiently take one step at a time.
She would also placed emphasis on the fact that should the builder and climber attempts to take more than one step at a time to get to the top, then he/she would not only ran the risk of falling and possibly hurting him/herself; but that he/she could also hurt others while falling. In other words the hastiness of one careless individual could cause much serious injuries, pain, suffering, miseries and possibly even death to many others that are innocent.
Another phrase that she often use is that “haste make waste. So you fe tek u time and do things.”
From my perspective and the way that I see things from where I am looking at them, most of us humans, and particularly those of us that are the Natural Native Earthly Humans today are trapped in the System’s rat race.
And what do I mean by the System’s rat race? I mean the System’s erroneous ideologies of progress and success; the erroneous ideologies of progress and success that our Natural Native Earthly Human minds have been inculcated with and is indoctrinated by – the System.
It is the illusive dream of wanting to be so-called successful thereby we are forever chasing and pursuing dreams. We are forever chasing and pursuing dreams without knowing, without realizing or without ever coming to the understanding of the truth, that it is or that it was only a dream; and that in order to be dreaming we must be either in a trance or we must be sleeping.
And that, just like the ever rapidly expanding universe, that which we are chasing as our dreams or that which we are pursuing in our dreams are always running further and further away from us. And that it is impossible, let me repeat it is impossible to be successful. Because if or when we are awaken from our dreaming, we will or we may discover that it is without that which we were chasing and that which we thought we had achieved in our dreams.
According to The Free Wickipedia Encyclopaedia “A rat race is a term used for an endless, self-defeating or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of the futile efforts of a lab rat that is trying to escape whilst running around a maze or in a wheel.” unquote
From my perspective we humans are moving through life or moving along life’s pathway much too fast. We always seem to be in a hurry, always in a rush. We are always in a hurry or in a rush to go to work; we are in a hurry/rush go home; we are in a hurry/rush to eat our meals; we are in a hurry/rush to go to bed; we are even in a hurry to have sex or as some would say to make love; you name it and most of us are always in a hurry/rush to do it.
So just like a frantic maxed out Olympic runner on a thread mill, we are moving much too fast without realizing that we are going No-Where. No-Where is Where we all came from in the first place to begin. And There “Nowhere” is Where we must and Where we will all return.
Right now we are Here. Or at the very least we think that we are here.
And by the way Where is Here? Is Here Some-Where that we all can point to? And from Where would we point? And in which direction can we point that is not and would not be Here? Have you ever thought about this and asked yourself these questions?
Well I have. And I submit to you my friends that, that which we called Here is in the middle of No-Where.
Case in point, some of us believe and teach that the Universe as we Think we Know It, began with a Creation approximately five to six thousand years ago. Others believe and teach that it began with a Big Bang some ten to twenty or more Billion years ago.
Now my question to you is this: Where did This or That Creation or This or That Big Bang took place? Again I will submit that if at all there was a Creation some Five to Six thousand years ago, or a Big Bang some ten to twenty plus billion years ago it had to have taken place in the middle of No-Where.
And not only that, my friends, but we all had to have been There or else how would we have known? And Where else could we have been?
Here is a similar question that has been sincerely asked by some of our best minds for centuries, and I quote: “If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it makes a sound?”
From I The Mystic Philosopher’s Perspective –Here only became known as Here when we got Here and became Aware while we are on our way to and from No-Where.
It is because most of us are conned by the System and others into moving so fast going There that we are not even noticing that we are Now Here and that we are all going No-Where.
You see There, No-Where, Now-Here, Some-Where, Over There, Right-Here, Every-Where and Any-Where have the same one thing in common or if you prefer one common denominator. And that is: Here. Everywhere is Here. In other words they are all Here. It is all Here.
Have you ever taken notice of the fact that if or when we slow down and become more intimate and acquainted with our natural environment or we could say that when we become more aware of being a part of our physical world, have you ever noticed how the quality of our life is improved; and how our appreciation for our ever breath may be enhanced?
For example when we go for an early morning walk around the block where we may live, or maybe a walk up the trail, along the lake, the beach or on in the park you name it. Have you ever noticed how our body and our mind are rejuvenated; and how we feel good, mentally and physically re-energized?
And if we slow down and listen carefully, we may hear the water falls as it gently rushes against the smooth rocks in the stream. We may hear the gentle sounds of the melting snow as it reflects the rays of the brilliant sunlight.
We may hear the whistling sounds of the breeze as it wrestles with the branches and the leaves of the trees. We may hear the buzzing sounds of the bees and the bee hives, the twittering, the cheeping, the melodious songs of the birds simultaneous and in symphony with the sounds of insects.
If we slow down and look carefully we may see and observe the rhythm of the dancing trees as they move and steadily rock to the mystic vibrations of our Mother Nature’s wind.
We may be able to experience a natural high from nature’s intoxicating smell of ripen, fallen, fermenting and decaying wild fruits and berries laying peacefully on the ground.
We may even be able to smell the fresh and territorial scents of wild animals, like the squirrels, the skunks, the rabbits, the raccoons, the goats, the cows, the horses, the mules, the donkeys and the deer you name them.
We may be able to better appreciate and enjoy Mother Nature’s four seasons; like the noticeable heat and long sometimes hazy days of Summer, the falling rain and colorful leaves on the trees of Autumn, the frozen creeks, ponds and lakes and all the other out door wonders of Winter.
We may be able to experience the fresh morning due on the grass; the early morning wind of Spring as it gently blows against our face along with the sweet smelling fragrances of some of nature’s wild flowers and the awe inspiring blossoms of the fruit trees.
We may even hear someone saying to us good morning, good evening, good day or we might even be able to help someone in distress and once again experience the effects of kindness and the ecstatic thrills and thank you we get from our Mother Nature for doing good and helping others in need you name it.
In other words by simply slowing down and taking one step at a time we might be able to reactivate at least our basic five physical senses of listening and hearing, smelling and tasting, seeing and touching well;
Again we might begin to enjoy the journey, the cycle most of us called life. We might be able to enjoy the experiences, the lessons and the ups and the downs as we travel along the pathway of life going No-Where.
We may have even noticed that sometimes when we increased our movement or speed by being in a hurry or in haste; by running, driving, flying, motorcycling, speed boating etc. that we might be missing out on the little things, the small but significant details that are the flavors and the spices of life.
We might be missing out on those things that are Here to add real quality, real value, real virtue and variety to our lives, our journey or cycle thereby making it much more tasteful, enjoyable and pleasurable.
A thirteenth-century Christian mystic by the name of Meister Ekhart has this to say about the present moment called the Now. He said: quote
“There exists only the present instant . . . a Now which always and without end is itself new. . . . There is no yesterday nor any tomorrow, but only Now, as it was a thousand years ago and as it will be a thousand years hence.” unquote
My friends: the Past or that which we call the Past is also that which we called Memories. And we can only think of and experience the memories of that which we called the Past in the Here and the Now, or in the Present Moment.
That which we called the Future is something that we can only imagine Here in the Present Moment, Here in the Now. Everything is happening in the here and in the Now. So let us therefore create our reality Here and Now.
Remember as long as we are conscious, or as long as we are Aware that we are Here we are going No-Where. (No-Where is the same as Now-Here) So might as well we just slow down and enjoy the ride from Here to There which is Nowhere.
One of my basic philosophies and the one that works extremely well for me is to take one breath at a time (and be aware/conscious of doing it). I have truly learned the significance of taking one breath at a time. As for as this I is concerned, life in the physical is lived and experienced within and between breaths.
We say that to be alive in the flesh we must Inhale and Exhale.
To Inhale means to Inspire; And to Exhale means to Expire. Therefore, we are living and dying simultaneously or all at the same time.
For me personally there is no guarantee that I will take the next breath or that when I Exhale the Breath of life will return or that I will Inhale again. I know that I can only live and that my journey can only continue here in the physical between each Breath; Meaning between Inhaling and Exhaling I Live.
And for this reason I am an Inspirational Speaker. I live to Inspire and I also Inspire to live.
I do hope that I may have at least Inspire you (my readers) to slow down, smile and take time and smell the roses; and take life’s journey one breath at a time, one step at a time and one day at a time. For we are all going No-Where.
I am The Mystic Philosopher and I’ll see you when you get Here for I am going No-Where.
Thanks very much for your patients and for listening or reading this post and I also ask that you please check out my other post. Your comments and feedback are also welcome.