The Mystic Philosopher’s Perspective on The Cyclic Journey Called Life Lecture Transcript Part One
Good day World it is I, The Mystic Philosopher and you are tuned to the right number. Today I will share with you another presentation from a series of my very thought provoking presentations called “Another Perspective – The Mystic Philosopher”. And the title or topic of this presentation is: “The Mystic Philosopher’s Perspective on The Cyclic Journey Called Life”
First what do I mean by (my perspective) some of you may asked.
Well by my perspective I mean my personal point of view; my angle of observation and the way things are revealed to me.
By my perspective I mean the way that I physically see, the way that I think that I know, feel and understanding things from where I am presently looking at them or viewing them and thus creating my own reality.
By my perspective I also mean the way that I perceive things both physical, mentally, dimension-ally and spiritually.
In sharing some of my perspectives with you in this two part video and via this medium, I do hope that you all will be both, tolerant enough, patient enough and enlightened enough to be able to distinguish/separate who I am or what I am and who you are or what you are from my perspectives.
And that you will be able to appreciate the fact or at the very least, appreciate the possibility that though we might all be looking at the same thing, sensing the same thing and talking about the same thing, however, as individuals we will or we might have our own personal interpretations, revelations and insights about it (the same thing) and thus our individual perspectives.
Now if that is true or if I am correct then we may logically deduced that right and wrong or if you prefer that which we may perceive and call right and that which we may perceive and call wrong, good or bad etc. is just a matter of our individual perspectives. It may be just a matter of our individual angle of observation or from where we looking at or sensing the thing. And if you happen to disagree with me on that point its OK for that’s your perspective. So just let us agree to disagree on that at least for now.
From my perspective, Life or the subject of Life, meaning living, existing, being, Awareness/Consciousness etc. as we in our human condition (human state of Awareness) Think we know It, is very fascinating, very awe inspiring, it is very involved; meaning it involves and consists of Everything and Anything that we can Think of; Everything and Anything that we can or that we may Mentally, Spiritually and Physically Experience; its quite Mysterious to say the least.
For example, according to the book in the Christian bible called Ecclesiastes, the Philosopher and wise man Salmon is alleged to have called and describe (the Thing called) Life as vanity; meaning it, Life is emptiness, worthless, senseless, meaningless, futile, vaporous; meaning you are here and then suddenly you disappear or vanish without leaving anything behind, even your very memory if not suddenly, overtime it too disappears with you etc. The fact is that nobody or no one (except for maybe some relatives and very close friends) thinks or gives a rat’s ass about you; unless they might be able to profit monetarily or otherwise from your memory.
In addition to all that which the ancient Philosopher called Solomon has said about the thing called life, I The Mystic Philosopher describe life as being wonderful; meaning it is full of or it is filled with wonders, wonder-ers and wondering possibilities, wanders and wanderers.
In fact from my perspective the Thing we called Life may also be called Wonder and Wonderful; and we being the product of Wonder may also be called Wonder-ers and Wanderers.
And why do I say that we are wonder-ers, some of you no doubt may be asking? Well it’s because we are always wondering. For a moment, just think about the many places that you may have wandered to and from here. And for your information (in this example) it does not matter if wonder is spelt with the vowels a or o.
We are always wondering if we are right and we are always wondering if we are wrong. We wonder if we are good and we wonder if we are bad. We wonder what has happened or what may have happened in what we call the Past and we are wondering what is happening right now in what we call or perceive as being the Present.
And we are also wondering what is going to happen next or in what we call the Future; We wonder what others are thinking are or what others might be thinking about us. Our mind or the thing that we call our mind is always wondering all over the place to the point that some of us may admit that we can’t consciously focus or concentrate on just one thing for long periods of time. And sometimes we can only consciously focus on something for only a very short period of time. Some people that are medically diagnosed to be severely affected by this condition are classified as suffering from (ADD) Attention Deficit Disorder or (ADHD) Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
In fact some of you that may be watching or listening to this video (or reading this post) may be wondering who am I (and who I am)? And what the hell I am talking about us being wanderers? And above all some of us think that we are temporarily or permanently stuck on this planet that is called earth, a planet that is itself a wonderer that is wandering aimlessly around a star we call the Sun in the middle of the thing that we call space. And just for your information, the very word planet in its origin means wandering or wanderer.
Let me now quickly point out a few of what I also call life’s wondering possibilities.
The first of life’s wondering possibilities that I would like to admit to and one that I would be remiss if I did not mention it here, is the fact that it is possible that the people that classify themselves as the scientific community, its learned and distinguished scientists and their adherents may be right in saying that this is it. They may be right in saying that we only have one life to live, and one chance at it, and that however, whenever or wherever it expires that’s how, when and where it is over. We are then and will be forever no more.
It is possible that they are right from their perspective, meaning from their angle of observation. But again and let me remind you that because life (or the thing we call life) is all about possibilities, then it is also possible that they are wrong. For as I have said earlier that I The Mystic Philosopher describe life as being wonderful, meaning it is full of wonders, wonderers and wondering possibilities. So why should I become a slave to someone else’s possibility and not explore mine or other people’s possibilities?
So with that in mind and from my perspective life or our awareness of living on this the physical and material plain, in this density also called the third dimension, may be described as a journey and a Cycle; or the phrase that I have coined as a result of my own personal observation, a Cyclic Journey; and possibly it’s a Cyclic Journey that has no final destination, one that has no real or final end.
By this I mean from my perspective it is possible that at the end of each Cyclic Journey, which is also called death and expiration in a dimension, is also the beginning of another Cyclic Journey in another dimension; or if you prefer it is the beginning of another Cyclic Journey in another plane, another density or another state of existence. Remember it’s possible.
It is also possible that it may be the beginning of another Cyclic Journey in this same Third Dimension and in this Awareness.
It is also possible that it is the beginning of another Cyclic Journey in this or in another dimension where we carry on, or carry forward or carry over consciously living our life experiences the way we are or the same way that we were living Here. Again it’s possible.
According to one of The Seven Hermetic Principles found in the Kybalion namely The Principle of Correspondence quote: As above, so below; as below so above” Unquote. Now if that is true then some of us if not most of us might be in for some very big and possible some very rude awakening and some very uncomfortable surprises at the end of this Cyclic Journey. For just when we think that’s it, it’s all over, in that reality it has only just began to continue.
And for those of you that may have heard one of my songs called “Death is No Escape” in which I said that quote: “Death is no escape for all the crimes that you are committing; your wrongs just don’t disappear when your body falls asleep; there is a universal account where Akashic records are submitted; like a convict in a court of law your own docket you do keep; for you will reap what you sow; these are words of wisdom you must know; for as above so below; and so shall it be wherever you go.”
And the final possibility that I will mention at this time is that it is also possible that at the end of our Cyclic Journey Here also called Expiration and Death that we start all over again in another dimension with brand new experiences and with no memory or trace of the Past (and for many of us that would be the best thing to have happened to us for then we might have escaped that which is known as Karma).
Therefore if that is true we may reasonably agree that in each dimension aka each bandwidth, life has a beginning and it also has what I called a temporary end; and the period in between our start and expiry date is what we call living or where and when we have our life experiences.
From my perspective, the answers that we seek for some, if not for all of the fascinating and intriguing questions about life and about our awareness or consciousness of living on this plane will forever remain a mystery. And a mystery is all that it is, and all that it will be – just that – it’s a mystery.
And from my perspective a mystery cannot be known. A mystery is unknowable period. And one of the many reasons that I can think of why some of us are trying to solve or trying to know a mystery is because we just don’t know and possible cannot know that it is a mystery.
From my perspective, if the thing that is commonly referred to by many of us humans as God or the thing that is commonly called God, if it is the Source of all sources, the very essence of life, then wanting to know, claiming to know or thinking that we can or that we will ever know its mind, (meaning know God’s Mind) its mystery is not sound thinking or sound and rational reasoning.
Unless we are wanting to know, claiming to know or thinking we can or that we will ever know that we are God; or that we are the thing called God, the Source of all sources, the very essence of life and all that is. And even then if that is true, then how could we be It, God and not already know? Please go figure that out and when or if you do please submit to me the answer.
From my perspective regardless of who or what we may think we are, regardless of what academic credentials, titles and status we may have earned in the System or what accolades that are bestowed on us by religions, society and our peers, the fact is that we cannot really know anything let alone know the mystery of this thing we called life.
I am hereby reminded of a quote from one the world’s most famous Theoretical Physicist and Cosmologist, Professor Stephen Hawkins on what I The Mystic Philosopher think is not only an eternal quest; but a humanly futile search, the question of: Why it is that we and the Universe exist? He said “If we find the answer to that, it would be the ultimate triumph of human reason — for then we should know the Mind of God.” Unquote.
From my perspective and by giving much careful thought to his response, I will agree that he is correct but only in part. Please note I will agree that “It would be the ultimate triumph of human reason” meaning human to human reason and human to human reasoning; but definitely not the ultimate triumph of human to God (or that which we may perceive, think of or call God) reason, human over God reason or human to God reasoning or human over God reasoning; because the two are not equal nor can they be.
He continue “for then we should know the mind of God.” Unquote. The two very interesting and note worthy words that the Professor used here in his response are the word “if” and not “when”; should and not the word “would”. From my perspective both words are expressing uncertainty, which would imply that he is not definite or sure. He is not certain that such a thing as (knowing the mind of God or that which we call or perceive as God) is humanly possible.
However, if that is or if that was his quest, his search to know and ultimately understand the Mind of the Thing so many called God, then not only is this Scientist and Professor programmed to be overly ambitious if not very presumptuous; but his quest may also be describe as the impossible dream of reaching the unreachable star. Both he along with all those who believe that they can know the Mind of the Thing called God are simply chasing the Wind.
I humbly ask that you just think about this quest/search for a moment and then ask yourself (and if possible answer) the following questions: If they were to know or if we were to know the Mind of the Thing called God, what would they/we become? And what would this Thing called God then become? In other words what would happen to God or what would happen to the thing called God?
Now some of you may ask the question: How can I be talking about impossible dream and implying that it is impossible to become this Thing called God when I had stated earlier, that the world and life is filled with Possibilities; and life as being full of Wonders, Wonderers and Wondering Possibilities? Please note that Possibilities (from my perspective) also include Impossibilities and therefore it is also Possible that it is Impossible.
Let me give you another example of what I am thinking and talking about. Quite recently somebody that I know very well to be a person that is very hungry for success and worldly possessions; and one that is very easily impressed and can also be easily influenced by people with worldly fame, worldly successes, world power, money and material possessions etc. forward me a Youtube video for me to watch along with an attached comment that read “Great video done by 28 year old Multi-Millionaire…” And the titled of the video is/was “How to “Re-Frame” Your Mind for Infinite Possibility.” This statement/title to I The Mystic Philosopher was and is not only illogical and nonsensical; but it is also an impossible dream of reaching the unreachable star.
And one of the questions that I asked both the individual and her 28 year old Guru and Success Coach and I am still waiting for a response from them is simply this. “If our human mind is Finite and if Infinite Mind is an attribute that belongs only to what some of us call God,_ how can a Finite human mind know Infinite Possibility? Or how can a Finite mind be Re-frame for Infinite Possibility?”
Personally I don’t know nor can I logically or sensibly think of such a possibility. The fact is that the algorithms in my mind and in my brain just can’t comprehend or figure that one out and nor will I attempt to do so and risk blowing my brain. The way I logically see it is that if the premise is wrong then the outcome just cannot be right.
So from my perspective we really don’t and possibly can’t know anything. But at our best we can or we may only Think we know. And what is Thinking? From my perspective it is something to Think about. For without It, “Thinking” what do I know? Without Thinking, what do you know? Without Thinking what do we know? Without Thinking, how do you know that you know? And without Thinking how do we know that we don’t know?
And from my perspective that’s why these are called quests – questions – meaning actively and intellectually searching or seeking and living for answers. And not only quests but an everlasting quest, an everlasting search. Elsewhere in another of my writings and lecture presentations I gave one of my definitions for the thing that we called life as “Life is about asking questions that provide answers that continue to ask even more questions.” So it is also what I called and described as an everlasting quest; a quest that is infinitely progressive and infinitely regressive. Therefore, there is really no end to it.
It is like seeking that which some call Truth and the Truth. And this may come as a big surprise to some of you; but from my perspective, we can never find It – the Truth. And that is one of the reasons why I sympathize dearly with those who are claiming to have found It, (Eureka), the Truth and are claiming to know the Truth.
The author of the philosophical poem called Desiderata wisely admonished us that we should “Speak your Truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.” Max Ehrmann.
Please note that he did not say that we should speak “Truth” or that we should speak “The Truth” but that we should speak your or our individual “Truth”.
A former and late President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel once said and I quote: “Seek the company of those who seek the truth, and run away from those who have found it.” Unquote.
So as I have mentioned above one of my personal definition of the meaning of life is that “Life is about asking questions that provide answers that asked more questions in an infinite progression or infinite regression.” But the beauty is that as long as we are asking questions and seeking more answers it means that we are alive.
For example we seek Answers by asking Questions such as:
- • What is Awareness or what is Consciousness?
• How and where did the Thing we called Awareness or Consciousness begin?
• How and where did our individual Awareness or our Consciousness begin?
• When did it begin?
• Why did it begin?
• What happened prior to the beginning of Awareness or Consciousness?
• What was before Everything? What was before Nothing? Where did Nothing come from?
• Can something come from Nothing?
• What is Thinking? Where is it from?
• What is the purpose of Life?
• What am I becoming in this Cyclic Journey called Life? And what am I supposed to become?
• What will happen to our Awareness or Consciousness at the end of this Cyclic Journey on this Third Dimensional Plane in this period called Life?
• In other words what will happen to our Awareness or our Consciousness, our Memories, our Thoughts, our Dreams etc. at the end of this Thing called Life and that we now on this side of Reality called Death?
• Do you know?
• Does any one of us really know?
• How do you know that you know?
• Or how do you know that you don’t know?
• Please Think before you answer and are you sure?
Again from my perspective, no one knows or no one knows for sure what happens or what will happen at least not in this density. I think that there are infinite possibilities of what will, what may or what could happen. But if we were at all humble, we would or we may admit that we do not know. And long before we came here on the scene, it is alleged that a man that was considered to be a Philosopher and no doubt one of the wisest, richest and most powerful men to have walked the Earth or at the very least the wisest man in his time said that we don’t know. Quote: “No one knows what is going to happen next, (more proof that we are indeed wonderers) and no one can tell what will happen after we die” (evidence of more wondering). Unquote: Ecclesiastes 10:14. Good News Bible.
From my perspective, here on this Plane we are only programmed by our source to reason, to speculate, to imagine, to theorize, hypothesize, philosophize and to think that we know or to believe in any or non of the infinite possibilities.
This is the end of Part One so please join me for the continuation and completion in Part Two of this Presentation called: The Mystic Philosopher’s Perspective on The Cyclic Journey Called Life.
I am The Mystic Philosopher aka Dr. David G. Jones Ph.D.